Our goal is long-term soil health, locally sourced bio-char combined with essential microorganisms, locally-sourced organic…
Kona TeamDecember 5, 2022
Bio-Char, or Black Gold?
Many centuries ago, the Spanish came to the New World searching for precious gold and…
Kona TeamAugust 15, 2022
Biochar the “Silver Bullet” for Carbon Capture?
An exciting potential solution to much of our Carbon negative goals, Biochar is a charcoal-like…
Kona TeamJuly 26, 2022
Overwhelming Support from Our CropShare Membership
Concerning our ongoing battle against "Leaf Rust" and the potential loss of our organic status…
admin-konaMay 3, 2022
The Fight Against Coffee Leaf Rust
Aloha Cropshare Member, As a highly regarded Kona Rainforest Coffee Cropshare member we value your…
admin-konaMarch 9, 2022
What does the future hold?
The future is bright, sunshiny mornings and cloudy afternoons just like it has been for…
admin-konaFebruary 15, 2022
It certainly looks beautiful there, and who wouldn’t want to go to Hawaii. Do you offer tours like vineyards do?
Absolutely! We would love to have you visit. Please note: tours are by appointment only…
admin-konaFebruary 15, 2022
We have heard that coffee has a short shelf-life and its quality can quickly deteriorate. Do you have a solution to this problem?
You must start with fresh coffee. When you walk down your grocery aisle and see…
admin-konaFebruary 15, 2022